Sunday, February 1, 2009

25 Random things about me!

1) I can talk and sing with my mouth closed.

2) I literally woke up the neighborhood when I experienced my first and only bee-sting at 7. People called.

3) When I was about 6, I almost died from electric shock. I was leaning to tell time, and I needed to look at the only clock that wasn't digital. In an attempt to unplug it from the wall, I did what every sensible child does: rely on the strongest weapon your body offers-your teeth.
Have you ever seen those old cartoons when the character gets shocked and all the black and white squiggly lines fill the tv screen? Yeah, it's like that.

4) At 6 I also sliced my cheek open on a Gatorade bottle. Remember when those used to be made of clouded glass? That's why they're plastic now...I was a bit adventurous and accident prone as a child.

5) In the summer I spent with my aunt on her dairy, I baby sat 2 infants, drove a truck, swam all day unsupervised, got lost in a cornfield, stayed up all night watching Under Siege and the Cutting Edge and various action films and lived on popsicles... I was 9.

6) I HATE when people say "I could care less." THAT IS NOT A QUALITATIVE STATEMENT! It means NOTHING! There is no way to discern your level of caring from that statement. The ACTUAL phrase is " I COULDN'T care less" saying that you do not care at all and it would not be possible for you to have any less care.

7) I LOVE old movies. I have a long list of favorites. Most of them have Cary Grant or Katherine Hepburn in them. This being said, I have never seen Gone With the Wind.

8) I have a phobia of being lost in deep open water, and anything that swims that is larger than a dolphin. I don't care what they say, Shamu is NOT your friend. KILLER whale people. They have the word KILLER in their name for a reason!

9) I am claustrophobic. The worst case I ever experienced was the trip I took to the top of the Statue of Liberty. The stairs up and down were a nightmare.

10) My first love was a boy named Ryan who I met in Sunday school. I cried when he moved away.

11) I LOVE fireworks.

12) I remember my first lead role in a musical so vividly, I could probably step into the roll with an hour's notice.

13) I witnessed someone requesting O.J. Simpson write "I did it" as an autograph.

14) I am usually the last person to need a restroom on a road trip. (I outlasted both my brother and father on a trip to Monterey Bay- twice over.) This is partially due to my amazing bladder control, and a healthy fear of public restrooms.

15) I can not eat eggs. I will vomit.

16) I do not like birds.

17) I LOVE big Dogs.

18) I have size 11 feet, which makes my love of shoes tragic.

19) I am addicted to buying cards and stationary.

20) I read each book in the Twilight series in hour and a half sittings- in Borders.

21) I had a childhood dream come true twice over in getting to perform with Psalty the singing songbook for the Harvest Kids Crusade 2 times, then becoming the choreographer for the kids crusade 3 years later.

22) I break into song in random locations.

23) I am allergic to 2 things: A weed that grows somewhere in Australia, and cockroaches.

24) I have never broken a bone.

25) My dream role in a straight show is Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing. My dream role in a musical is Eliza Dolittle in My Fair Lady.

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